Recent eBird records for Kachemak Bay
• Most recent observation for each species at each location •
•  Last 14 Days, within 50km from Homer, Alaska •


Expand allNot reviewed    Table Order:   
SpeciesCountDate/TimeObserverMap LinkeBird linksLocation

Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl
Snow Goose256.03252024-10-09 14:49Lang, AaronWilderness Birding Adventures HQ, Fritz Creek
|x2024-10-08 00:01H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|1002024-10-07 23:33Akers, Connie  Homer--Clayton Way
|1502024-10-07 08:10Lang, Aaron  Homer--Portlock-Fernwood walking loop
|x2024-10-07 00:00Renner NFC Station, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
Trumpeter Swan363.022024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|42024-10-09 13:30Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Louie's Lagoon
|52024-10-06 11:05Simmons, SabineEl Sarino Ct
|22024-10-05 15:37H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough Dam
|22024-10-02 16:07Davey, Matthew  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
Northern Shoveler474.012024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|12024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|12024-10-06 14:21Renner, Martin  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
Eurasian Wigeon485.022024-10-06 19:06Hausler, Joey  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
American Wigeon487.0102024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|282024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|5002024-10-06 19:06Hausler, Joey  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
|202024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon
Mallard515.062024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|32024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|82024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|202024-10-06 14:21Renner, Martin  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
|152024-10-05 12:53Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beluga Lake (east end & overlook)
|x2024-10-05 11:22Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|42024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
Northern Pintail558.032024-10-06 14:21Renner, Martin  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
Green-winged Teal574.012024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|152024-10-05 12:53Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beluga Lake (east end & overlook)
|x2024-10-05 11:22Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
Greater Scaup655.012024-10-08 11:13Sowl, KristineSowl Haven
Harlequin Duck687.0362024-10-13 10:45Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|12024-10-12 12:59Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4380 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6075x-151.4219
|52024-10-05 11:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4666 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6057x-151.4185
|42024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
|202024-10-02 16:07Davey, Matthew  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
Surf Scoter688.0252024-10-12 12:01Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers
|32024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
White-winged Scoter690.082024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
|202024-10-02 12:27Davey, Matthew  Ninilchik--Deep Creek
Long-tailed Duck700.012024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|12024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
Bufflehead701.0162024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|42024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
Common Goldeneye702.012024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
Red-breasted Merganser728.022024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|22024-10-05 11:22Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK

Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies
Ring-necked Pheasant1420.012024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|12024-10-12 10:35Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach

Horned Grebe1842.022024-10-05 11:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4666 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6057x-151.4185
|12024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
Red-necked Grebe1845.012024-10-12 18:56Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|12024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit

Pigeons and Doves
Rock Pigeon1874.012024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|252024-10-12 12:01Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers
|12024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|132024-10-12 09:22Simmons, SabineMy house
|x2024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
|12024-10-06 10:47Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|62024-10-05 11:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4666 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6057x-151.4185
|12024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon

Sandpipers and Allies
Wilson's Snipe6069.012024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|12024-10-08 19:32Lang, Aaron  Homer--Portlock-Fernwood walking loop
Red-necked Phalarope6086.012024-10-10 12:09Renner, MartinAB-04
Greater Yellowlegs6118.032024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon
|12024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
|52024-10-02 16:07Davey, Matthew  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach

Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
Black-legged Kittiwake6409.022024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|22024-10-08 16:40Sowl, Kristine  Anchor River SRA
|162024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
|52024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
Short-billed Gull6477.082024-10-12 18:56Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|12024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|42024-10-12 12:59Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4380 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6075x-151.4219
|52024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|472024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|22024-10-10 12:09Renner, MartinAB-04
|x2024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
|102024-10-06 14:21Renner, Martin  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
|302024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
Herring Gull6496.022024-10-12 18:56Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
Glaucous-winged Gull6543.052024-10-13 13:44Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-S 434 - 59.4654x-151.5373
|202024-10-12 18:56Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|472024-10-12 12:59Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4380 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6075x-151.4219
|652024-10-12 12:01Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers
|12024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|22024-10-10 12:09Renner, MartinAB-04
|x2024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
|52024-10-06 14:21Renner, Martin  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
|132024-10-05 11:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4666 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6057x-151.4185
Herring x Glaucous-winged Gull (hybrid)6545.042024-10-12 18:56Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|282024-10-12 13:33Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4786 Homer Spit Rd - 59.6009x-151.4101 Lands End
|272024-10-12 12:59Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4380 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6075x-151.4219
|702024-10-12 12:01Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers

Pacific Loon6772.012024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
Common Loon6774.012024-10-12 12:59Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4380 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6075x-151.4219
|12024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
|12024-10-06 10:47Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|92024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
|32024-10-02 12:27Davey, Matthew  Ninilchik--Deep Creek

Shearwaters and Petrels
Short-tailed Shearwater7047.0152024-10-10 11:15Renner, Martin  Kachemak Bay (SW of Homer Spit)

Cormorants and Shags
Pelagic Cormorant7218.082024-10-13 10:45Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|12024-10-12 13:33Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4786 Homer Spit Rd - 59.6009x-151.4101 Lands End
|132024-10-12 12:59Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4380 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6075x-151.4219
|12024-10-12 12:01Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers
|32024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
|152024-10-05 11:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4666 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6057x-151.4185
|312024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites
Northern Harrier7950.012024-10-10 13:50H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
Sharp-shinned Hawk8109.012024-10-13 14:58Eagle, KathleenKEagle yard 1276 Beluga Ct, Homer US-AK (59.6485,-151.5114)
|12024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)
American Goshawk8149.012024-10-06 09:16Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
Bald Eagle8187.022024-10-13 13:44Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-S 434 - 59.4654x-151.5373
|12024-10-13 10:45Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|22024-10-12 13:55Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beaver Creek Rd.
|12024-10-12 13:49Stanley, Carla4308 Homer Spit Road, Homer, Alaska, US (59.603, -151.422)
|12024-10-12 13:33Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4786 Homer Spit Rd - 59.6009x-151.4101 Lands End
|22024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|12024-10-12 12:01Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers
|12024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|22024-10-08 16:40Sowl, Kristine  Anchor River SRA
|12024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
|12024-10-05 12:53Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beluga Lake (east end & overlook)
|12024-10-05 11:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4666 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6057x-151.4185
|22024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon
|22024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach

Great Horned Owl8705.012024-10-12 08:31H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|12024-10-08 07:34Lang, AaronWilderness Birding Adventures HQ, Fritz Creek
Northern Saw-whet Owl9096.012024-10-14 22:22Lang, AaronWilderness Birding Adventures HQ, Fritz Creek
|12024-10-06 23:00Akers, Connie  Homer--Clayton Way

American Three-toed Woodpecker10996.012024-10-13 15:22Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail
|12024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
Downy Woodpecker11175.012024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
Hairy Woodpecker11202.012024-10-13 15:22Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail
|12024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|22024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|12024-10-07 15:30Stanley, Carla40891 Morning Star Road, Homer, Alaska,

Northern Shrike20696.012024-10-08 16:40Sowl, Kristine  Anchor River SRA

Crows, Jays, and Magpies
Canada Jay20787.022024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|12024-10-12 14:55Simmons, Sabine36832 Maria Rd, Homer US-AK 59.73945, -151.23474
|12024-10-12 13:55Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beaver Creek Rd.
Steller's Jay20879.042024-10-13 13:44Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-S 434 - 59.4654x-151.5373
|12024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|22024-10-12 09:22Simmons, SabineMy house
|12024-10-08 17:33Sowl, KristineSowl Haven
|22024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)
|22024-10-06 10:47Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
Black-billed Magpie21085.012024-10-13 15:22Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail
|12024-10-13 14:58Eagle, KathleenKEagle yard 1276 Beluga Ct, Homer US-AK (59.6485,-151.5114)
|22024-10-13 13:44Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-S 434 - 59.4654x-151.5373
|12024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|32024-10-12 14:55Simmons, Sabine36832 Maria Rd, Homer US-AK 59.73945, -151.23474
|12024-10-12 13:55Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beaver Creek Rd.
|22024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|12024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|32024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)
|22024-10-06 10:47Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|12024-10-05 12:53Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beluga Lake (east end & overlook)
|12024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon
|22024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
American Crow21168.0352024-10-13 13:44Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-S 434 - 59.4654x-151.5373
|42024-10-12 18:56Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|182024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|22024-10-12 13:55Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beaver Creek Rd.
|92024-10-12 13:33Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4786 Homer Spit Rd - 59.6009x-151.4101 Lands End
|102024-10-12 12:59Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4380 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6075x-151.4219
|72024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|1682024-10-12 12:01Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers
|792024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach
|1272024-10-08 16:40Sowl, Kristine  Anchor River SRA
|42024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)
|x2024-10-08 12:55H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer Spit
|902024-10-06 14:21Renner, Martin  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
|52024-10-05 12:39Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Ben Walter's Park on Beluga Lake
|142024-10-05 11:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4666 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6057x-151.4185
|72024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon
|222024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach
Common Raven21235.022024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|42024-10-12 13:55Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beaver Creek Rd.
|12024-10-12 13:33Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4786 Homer Spit Rd - 59.6009x-151.4101 Lands End
|12024-10-12 09:22Simmons, SabineMy house
|22024-10-08 18:02Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK
|22024-10-08 17:33Sowl, KristineSowl Haven
|22024-10-08 11:13Sowl, KristineSowl Haven
|22024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon
|12024-10-05 11:12Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers
|22024-10-05 10:39Simmons, SabineMariner Beach

Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice
Black-capped Chickadee21676.012024-10-13 13:44Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-S 434 - 59.4654x-151.5373
|22024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|32024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|32024-10-12 09:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Kachemak-40891 Morning Star Rd - 59.6792x-151.4169
|142024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)
Boreal Chickadee21710.012024-10-13 15:22Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail
|12024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|12024-10-12 13:55Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Beaver Creek Rd.
|22024-10-08 17:33Sowl, KristineSowl Haven
|12024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)

Golden-crowned Kinglet26395.052024-10-13 15:22Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail
|22024-10-13 14:58Eagle, KathleenKEagle yard 1276 Beluga Ct, Homer US-AK (59.6485,-151.5114)
|12024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|12024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|12024-10-08 17:33Sowl, KristineSowl Haven
|22024-10-05 12:39Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Ben Walter's Park on Beluga Lake

Red-breasted Nuthatch26484.012024-10-13 15:22Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail
|42024-10-13 14:58Eagle, KathleenKEagle yard 1276 Beluga Ct, Homer US-AK (59.6485,-151.5114)
|82024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|42024-10-12 14:55Simmons, Sabine36832 Maria Rd, Homer US-AK 59.73945, -151.23474
|52024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|22024-10-12 09:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Kachemak-40891 Morning Star Rd - 59.6792x-151.4169
|12024-10-12 09:22Simmons, SabineMy house
|122024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)
|42024-10-07 15:30Stanley, Carla40891 Morning Star Road, Homer, Alaska,
|12024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon

Brown Creeper26564.012024-10-13 15:22Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail
|12024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|12024-10-12 16:15Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center & Trails
|12024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|22024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)

Pacific Wren26828.042024-10-13 13:44Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-S 434 - 59.4654x-151.5373
|12024-10-04 07:51Renner, Martin811 Ocean Drive Loop, Homer, AK

Thrushes and Allies
Varied Thrush27788.012024-10-12 08:31H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
American Robin28096.012024-10-13 15:22Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail
|12024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)

Wagtails and Pipits
American Pipit31361.012024-10-12 10:45H Sarren, Eleanor  Homer--Beluga Slough & Bishops Beach

Finches, Euphonias, and Allies
White-winged Crossbill32020.012024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)

Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Lapland Longspur32138.0202024-10-05 11:12Stanley, Carla  Homer Spit--Green Timbers

New World Sparrows
American Tree Sparrow32567.012024-10-10 13:50H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
Dark-eyed Junco32595.012024-10-13 12:06H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)
|12024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)
White-crowned Sparrow32658.022024-10-08 16:30Lang, Aaron  Homer (town)
Song Sparrow32748.042024-10-12 12:59Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4380 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6075x-151.4219
|12024-10-12 12:12Simmons, Sabine  Homer--Seaside Farm (private)
|12024-10-06 14:21Renner, Martin  Homer Spit--Mud Bay
|22024-10-05 11:52Stanley, CarlaUS-AK-Homer-4666 Freight Dock Rd - 59.6057x-151.4185
|62024-10-05 11:41Simmons, Sabine  Homer Spit--Mariner Park Lagoon

Troupials and Allies
Rusty Blackbird33322.012024-10-12 08:31H Sarren, Eleanor4905 W Hill Rd, Homer US-AK (59.6621,-151.5725)

This site makes use of the eBird API version 2.0
eBird. 2012. eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: (Accessed: Date 2024-10-14)
