George Matz has prepared a spreadsheet containing the results of the 2019 shorebird monitoring project:
Category: Citizen Science
Citizen Science projects and information
2019 Christmas Bird Count Results
The 120th Audubon Christmas Bird Count was held Saturday, December 14, 2019. Thirty-two local bird counters were in the field with an additional seven “feeder watchers”, who kept track of birds visiting their bird feeders, were able to tally 13,780 birds of 80 species, a record number of species for the Homer count and beating last year’s record by nine species. Six additional species were also documented during count week (three days before and after the actual count day). Numbers of feeder watchers were up from previous years and helped achieve the high numbers. A list of counts for each species can be seen at the end of this post.
Three species were new to the Homer count and included the Sooty Shearwater, Canvasback, Ring-necked Duck, and Orange-crowned Warbler. The exceptionally warm fall is likely the key factor in delaying the migration of these species to more southern latitudes.
The most abundant bird species this year were the Pine Siskin (4,077), Mallard (1,937), and Rock Sandpipers (1,420). A good spruce cone crop this year is supporting large number of finches such as the Pine Siskin, White-winged Crossbill, and Pine Grosbeak, in comparison to recent years. Although large flock of American Robins has been common throughout Homer this fall, only 57 were tallied on this year’s count. It’s often easy to miss large flocks when trying to cover such a large area.
High Mallard numbers reflect the lack of ice in Beluga Slough, Beluga Lake and Mud Bay. These ducks typically winter on the south side of Kachemak Bay when the ice blocks access to feeding habits along the north shore. Rock Sandpipers, a winter resident of Kachemak Bay, were found in generally similar numbers as in previous years.
Over the last several years, there has been a downward trend in numbers of four species of seaducks in the nearshore waters of the count area. These seaducks include the Common Eider, Steller’s Eider, White-winged Scoter, and Surf Scoter. Primary factors in this negative trend are unknown.
A big thanks to all the participants out counting or watching feeders, and to the Islands and Ocean Visitor Center staff for the use of their facilities and helping with logistics for our count. And a special thanks to Dave Erikson who coordinated the count and compiled the results. It was A Great Day to Bird!
View or download the final 2019 Homer CBC list below:
2019 Shorebird Monitoring Data
George Matz has prepared a spreadsheet containing the results of the 2019 shorebird monitoring project:
2018 Christmas Bird Count Results
With the big dump of snow overnight, many of us began the day getting ourselves out of our driveways and into town to begin the CBC. Many of us were not confident that we would find very many birds for this year. Boy, were we wrong! We found 69 species, which is the most since I started keeping track in 2003. (Dave was going to check back further.) We have yet to hear from feeder watchers who may have picked up another species so we might possibly even break 70!
Thank goodness it didn’t snow during the day so the visibility was good, though with low clouds the day was short. We all had snow to walk through but the group that counted above town had way more. Not too cold and no wind for most of the areas.
Some really great birds (plus one unwelcome one):
WHITE-THROATED SPARROW had never been seen on a Christmas Bird Count before here! Seen out East End Rd a ways. Was actually seen on a previous year, but accidentally left off our list.)
ANNA’S HUMMINGBIRDS–four of them!! Were at Seaside Farms
MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD–seen (I think) near the Gear shed (out E. End Rd.)
RED-THROATED LOON–seen from Munson Pt (south of Bishop’s Beach)
STELLERS EIDERS (2)–seen from Munson Pt (south of Bishop’s Beach); COMMMON EIDERS seen from the Spit
SHORT-EARED OWL–seen out on the spit
(alas) EUROPEAN STARLINGS–seen at Seaside Farms in with some robins
BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS–120 seen in the Diamond Ridge/West Hill area (First ones seen this year!)
AMERICAN ROBINS–a large flock of 100 in the area near Beluga Slough with one VARIED THRUSH in the group (So cheerful to keep encountering the robins and pretty in the snowy trees!)
A huge thank you to Dave Erikson who coordinated the CBC here for the 42nd consecutive year. And of course to IOVC to allowing us to use their beautiful facilities as a home base and for our potluck.
Don’t forget that if you see an unusual species in our Count Area in the next three days (Dec. 16th-18th) please call Dave Erikson (907-441-7931) or Lani (399-9477).
When Count Week is over and Dave has everything added up, send he will compile a report about numbers, trends, comparisons, etc.
It was a Great Day to Bird and equally, it was a great day to be a birder!!
View or download the final 2018 Homer CBC list below:
2018 Shorebird Monitoring Data
George Matz has prepared a spreadsheet containing the results of the 2018 shorebird monitoring project:
2017 Christmas Bird Count
The Homer Christmas Bird Count, held on December 16, had 27 volunteers in the field in 11 teams to cover the traditions 15-mile diameter count circle centered in Mud Bay at the base of the Homer Spit. The weather cooperated quite nicely with temperature mostly above freezing and little wind. A total of 65 species were documented with 8,648 individual birds. Total numbers of several species were slightly lower in compassion to the last few years. The most abundant birds were Mallard (2,2251), followed by the Rock Sandpiper (1,250). Nine species only had one individual seen throughout the day.
Two species were new to the count: Costa’s Hummingbird and Black-backed Woodpecker. The hummingbird was seen approximately 5 miles out East End Road at a hummingbird feeder. The black-backed woodpecker was seen with an American three-toed woodpecker at the northern end of the Calvin and Coyle Nature Trail below Mariner Drive, approximately Mile 1 East Road. This woodpecker is normally found in interior Alaska and is generally rare along the coast. The Costa’s hummingbird, typically seen in southern California and Arizona, is well outside it’s normal range.
Species number and total numbers were generally within the normal range over the past several years. Numbers of wintering American Robins and Bohemian Waxwings continue to be relatively high with 121 and 254 individuals respectively. Counts for finches, including the Common Redpoll (328), Pine Siskin (1,011), Pine Grosbeak (316), were also relatively high in comparison to past years. However, the White-winged and Red Crossbills were totally absent from this year’s count.
Bald Eagle and Northwestern Crow numbers were slightly down this year in comparison to the last five years. The lack of available supplemental food at the Homer Transfer facility in recent years may have been a factor in this decline.”
A big thank you to all the many volunteers and to the staff at Islands and Ocean for letting us use their wonderful facility and helping us out also with logistics during the day. And to Dave Erikson for coordinating our Count here now for the last 41 years!
2017 Seabird Report Card
The Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge has prepared a “report card” on seabird breeding success in 2017:
Additional observations were provided by John Piatt, Karl Stoltzfus, and Victoria Winne:
2017 Kachemak Bay Shorebird Monitoring Report
George Matz has completed a very comprehensive report of the 2017 Kachemak Bay Shorebird Monitoring effort.
The 2017 report and data can be viewed / downloaded below:
2016 Christmas Bird Count Results
Forty two volunteers participated in Homer’s annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count, five watching feeders in their own yard and the others out in the field. The weather was not too cooperative with icy walking, limited visibility for most of the day and resulting decreased available daylight hours, but many were expressing the same thought, “We’ve seen much worse!”
A total of 64 species were seen on the Count Day (Saturday, December 17). Highlights included a WHITE-THROATED SPARROW found at a feeder near Crittenden St., a BELTED KINGFISHER found in Beluga Slough near the culvert from the lake, and a single SANDERLING found among the ROCK SANDPIPERS on the Homer Spit. CHUKARS, a colorful gamebird related to a pheasant, were found at a residence out East End Rd, though possibly may not count as an official species due to their probable domestic escapee status.
Three additional species were seen during the Count Week (three days before and three days after Count Day): SNOW BUNTING, MERLIN, and GREAT-HORNED OWL.
There were 10,492 individual birds counted. Most numerous species were MALLARDS (3422), ROCK SANDPIPERS (1700), and COMMON GOLDENEYE (820). Only one COMMON MURRE was seen this year, compared to the die-off that was developing at this time last year when over 200 were counted. (In winter, murres are typically out at sea instead of here in the bay.)
For a complete report of species and numbers seen, check the Kachemak Bay Birders’ website,
A big thanks to all the volunteers who participated, to the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge for letting us use their space for our meeting and potluck, the local Kachemak Bay Birders, and to Dave Erikson for coordinating yet another Christmas Bird Count. It was indeed a Great Day to Bird!
The CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT is the longest-running citizen science project in our nation, and in Homer it is always held on the first Saturday in the window (Dec. 14th to Jan. 5th). This year it will be December 17th in Homer.
The center of the 15-mile-diameter count circle is the intersection of Kachemak Drive and the Spit Rd. The circle extends east to Fritz Creek, south past the end of the Spit, west to the mouth of Diamond Creek and to the north where there are few roads. We do not go out in boats for our count.
Participants meet at 8:30 am at IOVC for coffee/tea/breakfast foods, get assigned to teams and areas, and then go out to count all the daylight hours. At 4:30 teams return and compile results and enjoy a warm potluck supper. Some participants also count what they see coming to their feeders/yard on the count day.
Each year on the Thursday before the count, Dave Erikson teaches a class on “Winter Bird Identification”. This class is valuable for new birders as well as being an excellent opportunity for more experienced birders to brush up on what birds are in Homer in the winter.
During the COUNT WEEK, which is three days before and three days after the CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT additional species are also noted.
2016 Shorebird Monitoring data
George Matz has prepared a spreadsheet containing the results of the 2016 shorebird monitoring project.