Category: Presentations
Monitoring Kachemak Bay’s Spring Shorebird Migration
This presentation was given by George Matz during the 2023 Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival.
Download Powerpoint version of presentation:
Hummingbird Banding
Presentation on hummingbird banding given by Todd Eskelin:
Shorebird Identification presentation
Shorebird Identification with Aaron Lang – 2022
Aaron’s presentation covered all the shorebirds we are likely to see in the spring migration–and a few like the red knot and bristle-thighed curlew that we are always hoping to see! His excellent photos and narrative provide information about physical characteristics, voice, behavior and habitat. This presentation could be an introduction to shorebirds for new birders or a review to brush up. And many seasoned birders say they always learn something new. Enjoy Aaron’s beautiful, instructive photos.